第三季的后半部分,掌握着Ben的生死的Jack似乎占据了优势。他要求释放Kate和Sawyer,让他们平安返回小岛,而他将留下来。但Jack真实的动机是什么呢?Kate终于在Jack和Sawyer之间作出了选择,她的感情是真实的吗?Juliet作出了一个危险的决定。Eko死后,Locke 对岛上之谜的探求使Sayid相信,他的动机并不是幸存者。Sun和Jin在庆祝新生命的到来,孩子究竟是不是Jin的呢? Charlie对Claire和她的孩子Aaron重新友好起来之时,Desmond丢向他的炸弹永远改变了他的命运。舱门破裂电磁波泄露之后将会对小岛以及外面的世界产生怎样的影响?Penny Widmore能找到小岛和她的挚爱Desmond吗。幸存者们能不能找到联系外界的方法呢? 救援即将到来,幸存者们不知道能否相信Charlie临终前的警告。救援船上的人的身份也许并不是如他们所言,这些落难的漂流者再次产生分歧。 朋友,家人,敌人,陌生人,为了生存,不仅要克服恶劣的自然环境更要对抗神秘的力量。90余天的荒岛生涯告诉他们,危险和未知在岛上随处可见,信任的人随时可能翻脸。即使英雄也会有不可告人的秘密... From J.J. Abrams, the creator of Alias, and Damon Lindelof (Crossing Jordan) comes an action-packed adventure that will bring out the very best and the very worst in the people who are lost. Out of the blackness, the first thing Jack (Matthew Fox, Party of Five) senses is pain. Then burning sun. A Bamboo forest. Smoke. Screams. With a rush comes the horrible awareness that the plane he was on tore apart in mid-air and crashed on a Pacific island. From there it's a blur, as his doctor's instinct kicks in people need his help.